The Manor Church of England Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Achieve
Shine like stars in the sky

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Spirituality is one of our three curriculum drivers. We worked with all stakeholders in school to evaluate exactly what our curriculum needed to offer the children in our local community. We assessed our children’s starting points and backgrounds, and explored in great detail the knowledge and experiences that we believe our children need in order to be successful in the future. These drivers underpin the curriculum we provide for our children and weave through every subject we teach.
Success and achievement is an entitlement for all at our school. Our Christian vision and values make clear our purpose of educating the whole child. We see each child as a unique individual; our role as a school is to provide opportunities and experiences which enable our learners to grow and develop academically as well as spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.
Our curriculum, which is underpinned by our core Christian values, offers our pupils an exciting, engaging and purposeful range of opportunities and experiences both within and beyond the National Curriculum. Through these opportunities, we seek for our pupils to be reflective, thoughtful and well-rounded individuals who are fascinated by the world in they live and are able to ask questions and reflect about themselves, others and the world around them.
To enable our pupils to be reflective, thoughtful and tolerant young citizens of the world, we provide a range of oportunities for spiritual development. Pupils are provided with these opportunities, both formal and informal, within worship and across the school day.
Collective Worship is rooted in our Christian values and the Bible. Through worship, pupils are encouraged to reflect on our termly value and how these values, along with the stories of Jesus Christ, guide the way in which we behave and conduct ourselves both in school and beyond. Each class has a Reflection Area and a Pause for Thought book to capture their thoughts, reflections and responses to a range of beliefs, values and human experiences. The whole school uses 'Pause Points' in worship and in the classroom to pause and reflect on searching questions.
Recently, we have developed special spaces in which pupils can take time out to develop their own personal spirituality. Our Spiritual Space and Peace Garden provide our learners with the chance to be still, reflecting on issues personal to them and helping them to discover more about themselves as a unique individual.