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Meet the Governors

The school is supported by a board of governors who oversee the effectiveness of the school in their role of 'critical friends'. The board is well organised and works with the senior leadership of the school to develop plans for future development. Many of our governors are parents of pupils in the school.

Publication of Governor’s Details and the Register of Interests

Governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities. In the interests of transparency, a governing body should publish on its website up-to-date details of its governance arrangements.

Would you like to know:

  • What our governors do;

  • What it's like to be a governor;

  • How to become a governor;

  • Our school policies and the reasons behind them?

Would you like to let us know:

  • How we can support the school to become even better;

  • What you really like about the school?

You can contact us in the following ways:​
  • By passing a message through Mrs Aldom in the office.

  • Emailing us at

  • You can also post your views of the school using Parent View:


Click here to read the document on Governance [PDF]

Amanda Flanagan (Headteacher​)

Clare Aris (Co-Opted Governor)

I have been involved with the school for over 14 years.  All of my children have now left Manor Primary School.

I have taken an active role in FOMS for many years, and feel like the school is part of my extended family, so transitioning to Governor seemed like the next natural step to take. I applied for the role as I want to ensure all of our children become the best we can help them to be through a sound primary school education and to assist the continuing development of our school over the next few years.

Jenny Whitfield (Parent Governor)

I was so impressed with the way that my son was welcomed into The Manor that I decided to apply for a Parent Governor position and give what I can back to the school. Before having children I was a secondary school English teacher for 14 years, so I have a particular interest in the fantastic work the school does in teaching phonics and writing.

Wendy Scopes - Vice Chair (Foundation Governor)

Having been invited to become a Foundation Governor, I am glad to have the opportunity to serve as part of the governing body to support the excellent work already being carried out by the school in valuing each child as unique, and offering a wide and varied curriculum with exciting learning opportunities. As a Foundation Governor, part of my role is to try to ensure the continuation of the character and Christian ethos of the school in decision making, and central to that is my own faith.


I have three children, two of who are currently at The Manor (in years 2 and 4), and another who is in Secondary School. I have enjoyed being a part of the school community, and look forward to continuing to be involved for a number of years. My professional background is in nursing, and I work part time in a hospital.


Marc Webb (Co-opted Governor)


I am new to the role of Governor, having been co-opted in July 2021. I have a son in school, in Year 3, and previously my three stepsons have also been at the Manor, and are now enjoying life at secondary school. I have worked in finance all of my career, and am currently working for a University in Bath having previously worked for a Sixth Form College in Taunton, Somerset.

I accepted the role of Governor as I felt I wanted to give something back to the school, to help ensure that the school continues to provide an excellent outcomes for all children, and to support future development over the next few years, supported by sound financial governance.

John Israel (Staff Governor)

I joined The Manor in September 2018 in the role of Deputy Head teacher and have now joined the Governing body as a staff governor. I currently lead on the curriculum in school and work alongside the governors to raise standards and improve the outcomes for all of our children. 

Reverend David Jones

My name is David Jones, I am the minister with responsibility at St. Saviour's. I have been serving the church and the school since Summer 2022. I have moved from a co-opted governor to foundation governor, having a particular role in supporting a Christian ethos. I have the joy and the privilege of not only serving on the governing body but also of leading collective worship in school and festival services for the school in the church. I seek to serve the school as it recognises its role as an integral part of the wider community.

Catherine Proudlove - Chair of Governors (LA Governor)

I am a Local Authority Governor and a parent with a child in Key Stage 2. I also have over a decade of experience in education, with a specialism in mathematics. As a Governor I work with and support the staff as they bring a fantastic range of curriculum experiences to all our children. I am excited to be part of the school community, helping where I can as the Manor continues its journey to enable children to shine like stars in the sky.

Pete Etchells (Parent Governor)

I'm a psychologist, and throughout my career I've always been interested in education and science communication. I have a daughter at The Manor, and my son will hopefully be starting there in a couple of years. The school has been so welcoming in the short time that we've been a part of the community, and I wanted to give something back by applying for a Parent Governor position. I am excited to be a part of a vibrant and nurturing educational environment, and I want to help where I can in ensuring that our children are supported in the best possible ways, through a variety of learning opportunities. I am looking forward to supporting future developments at The Manor that build on the fantastic work that is already being done.

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